Thursday 29 November 2012

What your biggest fear is and how it affects your life?

“Apa yang anda paling takut dan memberi impak pada kehidupan anda..?”

Saya…? BANYAkkkk…TETAPI kalau cakap pasal hidupan lain tu memang  LIPAS lah jawapan nya...

Ketakutan saya ni membawa kepada mencari dan menyelidik kelemahan serangga ni  tapi apa yang saya jumpa dan makin buat saya takut ialah KELEBIHAN LIPAS nie..

Ni Antara Fakta tentang lipas [Credit : MR.GOOGLE ]
1- Nama lipas atau dalam bahasa Inggeris cockroach berasal dari perkataan Sepanyol "cucaracha"yang membawa maksud serangga gila.
2-Seekor lipas boleh menahan nafasnya selama 40minit...(patut la susah nak mati)
3-Seekor lipas boleh hidup 3-4 minggu walaupun kepalanya dah putus.
4-Kalau berlaku peperangan nuklear lipas adalah satu2 makhluk yang boleh hidup.
5-Lipas mempunyai darah berwarna putih...(wah keturunan raja yer)
6-Kebanyakkan lipas boleh terbang tapi tidak semuanya.
7-Lipas yang paling besar di dunia adalah Macropanesthia Rhinocerus berasal dari Australia
yang beratnya adalah 50gram ...
8-Lipas goreng adalah makanan biasa di Cambodia.
9-Lipas makmal betina boleh menghasilkan anak tanpa bantuan lipas jantan dan anak2 dia semuanya betina.
10-Lipas hanya boleh mengawan sekali dan mampu menghasilkan anak sepanjang hidupnya.
11-Agak mustahil untuk menangkap seekor lipas sebab die ada rambut2 halus yang boleh mengesan angin daripada pergerakkan apa2 yg menghampirinya.
12-Semasa perang di Vietnam tentera Amerika menggunakan lipas untuk mengenal pasti
askar2 komunis yang menyamar sebagai petani.
13-Lipas ada gigi di dalam perutnya.
14-Lipas yang dilumatkan boleh membantu menghilangkan kesan bisa jika dilumurkan ditempat itu.
15-Lipas boleh menukararah sebanyak 25 kali dalam masa 1 saat.
16-Kalau lipas patah kaki, kaki itu boleh tumbuh semula.
17-Lipas bernafas melalui bahagian tepi badannya dan bukan melalui hidung.
18-Lipas hanya ada 6 kaki tetapi memiliki 16 lutut.
19-Lipas boleh berlari 3batu sejam.
20-Lipas dikatakan menghabiskan 75% masa sehari dengan hanya duduk tanpa buat apa2.
Tapi ketakutan saya yang terbesar sekarang ialah PERKAHWINAN [oh yes..Tak kena mengena kan,,? heheh]  Tapi ni je la yang saya nak share sekarang..

Takut Kahwin / Gamophobia tu lah nak cerita sikit kat sini…Tapi kan saya tak pernah rasa saya ni takut nak kahwin Cuma mungkin tak ada jodoh itu tanggapan saya lah.

Tapi sejak akhir2 ni bila saya berjumpa dengan berberapa org dan mula keluar saya macam takut nak bagi commitment. Saya lebih selesa berkawan sebab setiap kali bercakap soal kahwin pasti saya terfikir PENCERAIAN yang makin banyak sekarang..
Kisah dari persekitaran tu lah yang membimbangkan dan effect kehidupan saya untuk mencari pasangan dan member komitmen dalam perhubungan.[Tu consider takut kan hehehe] tapi itulah yang nak saya ceritakan.

Disebabkan syndrome Gamophobia ni saya ada baca beberapa buku novel dan motivation la konon bila rasa relationship tu tak berjaya.. Tapi bila ada kawan ni cakap saya ni mmg dah kena Gamophobia ni baru saya perasan takut dengan pengakhiran perkahwinan dan saya nak cari yang terbaik. Dan kenapa saya sedar itu..??
  • Saya akan call pasangan saya tak berhenti2 selagi dia tak jawab sebab saya ingat dia keluar dengan org lain
  • Saya bukan Tanya tapi lebih kepada tuduhan [awak keluar dengan orang lain kan / awak ada orang lain kan] Nampak mcm Tanya tapi sebenarnya tu mcm dah tuduh la
Dan banyak lagi lah hanya kerana saya TAKUT KAHWIN dengan orang yang salah. So ni nak buat mcm mana nih..dengan kesedaran ni hope akan ok lah lepas ni..[tu lah antara sebab kenapa hubungan tak berjaya] Take note ladies..
Mesti orang tertanya2 kenapa nak kongsi.. Coz saya nak kongsi lah mana tau ada yang kat luar sana ada persamaan so boleh la share kan2.. ?

Lagi satu bersempena dengan rancangan  Astro’s FearFactor Malaysia hehehe [tapi tu untuk mengatasi ketakutan lain] mungkin tak related kata orang tapi still nak cerita hehehe.. <3 <3

Meh nak cerita tentang rancangan nie..
Fear Factor Selebriti Malaysia yang akan dihoskan oleh Aaron Aziz akan mula bersiaran di Astro Ria(104) pada bulan Disember 2012...
Rancangan ini  Selain menampilkan Aaron Aziz sebagai pengacara juga melibatkan ramai selebriti antaranya termasuklah
Jehan Miskin, Elfira Loy, Dafi, Arja Lee, Roslan Shah, Kaka Ashraff, Ezlynn, Johan Ashaari, Celina Khor, Ammar, Atu Raja Lawak, Alam Wakaka Crew, Ajak Shiro, Dazrin, Hairul, Farish Aziz, Akim, Azam Pitt, Nik Michael, Arthur, Zoey, Dr Faiz, Gambit Saifullah, Azri, Zawen, Hafizul, Fairul, Didie Alias, Isham, Iz OIAM dan Yassin.

Dalam banyak2 kat atas sangat harap Jehan Miskin & Elfira Loy Menang also sebab minat kot kat dua-dua nih,Tapi kalau pasukan still Jehan & Dr.Faiz

So Guys... 
“Fear Factor House – Is your chance to experience Fear Factor live!” 
Jangan lupa Tungguuuu...

Happy to see P.E.O.P.L.E smile (=^_^=)

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Film "Life Of Pi"

Hari ni nak cerita tentang kisah manusia dan haiwan..triler dia dah banyak dah keluar kat Tv semua..Bukan jer LBS2 cerita yang aku tunggu tapi cerita ni pun yang
Diadaptasi daripada novel yang pernah memenangi anugerah

Booker Prize karya Yann Martel,

 "Life Of Pi"
 Ia berlatarbelakangkan Pondicherry, India mengisahkan Piscine Molitor Patel (Suraj Sharma) atau lebih dikenali sebagai Pi. Anak lelaki kepada penjaga zoo ini banyak menghabiskan masa untuk menimba ilmu pengetahuan bukan sahaja daripada teks keagamaan, malah setiap jenis kesasteraan yang boleh memuaskan sifat ingin tahunya tentang dunia. Walaubagaimanapun akibat perubahan politik di India menyebabkan keluarga Patel membuat keputusan untuk berpindah ke Kanada.

Namun satu kejadian tidak disangka berlaku dan satu ketika, Pi mendapati dirinya berada di dalam bot penyelamat bersama zebra, orang utan dan juga harimau Royal Bengal seberat 450 paun bernama Richard Parker.

Pengembaraan selama 277 hari menyaksikan Pi menyeberangi Lautan Pasifik dan juga kekuatannya berhadapan dengan kepercayaan dan juga perjuangan untuk hidup.

"Life Of Pi" diarahkan oleh Ang Lee dan dibarisi oleh Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Tabu, Adil Hussain, Gerard Depardieu dan Rafe Spall.

p.s : Bayangkanlah kalau kita yang kena..huhuhu Hrimau tuh kalau anak tak pa gak konon cumil.. kalau dah sebesar tu mmg tunggu jadi lauk je lah..

Happy to see P.E.O.P.L.E smile (=^_^=)

Thursday 22 November 2012

Lagenda Budak Setan 2 – Katerina di Pawagam 29 November 2012

Lagenda Budak Setan 2 – Katerina

sebuah filem yang akan mencipta sejarah bakal memulakan tayangan di pawagam pada 29 November 2012 ini. Sebuah filem arahan Sharad Sharan terbitan Astro Shaw pastinya dinanti-nanti.
Filem Lagenda Budak Setan 2 sekali lagi diadaptasikan daripada novel terkenal “Katerina” sambungan dari Lagenda Budak Setan hasil penulisan “Ahadiat Akashah” yang pastinya sekali lagi akan menyentuh perasaan para penonton seperti Lagenda Budak Setan yang pertama dahulu.

Sinopsis Lagenda Budak Setan 2 – Katerina

Lagenda Budak Setan 2 – Katerina merupakan sebuah sekuel dari Lagenda Budak Setan 6 bulan telah berlalu, selepas kematian Ayu. Kasyah masih bermurung atas kehilangan isteri tersayang, Ayu. Melalui Athirah, bayinya, segala kasih sayang dicurahkan. Katerina juga semakin pulih kekuatannya untuk berdepan semula dengan Kasyah.

Ketabahan dan ketenangan Kasyah masih menyerlahkan senyuman dibibirnya meskipun kehilangan orang tersayang, benar-benar buatkan Katerina mengaguminya. Kemesraan mulai terjalin semula antara keduanya. Mereka sering keluar bersama dimana Kate sentiasa berada disampingnya hingga membibitkan rasa cinta.

Katerina memperkenalkan Kasyah kepada kedua orang tuanya. Mereka merancang untuk bertunang namun ditentang oleh ibu Kate, Sofea. Sofea tidak puas hati kerana Kasyah adalah punca menyebabkan Kate kecewa hingga hampir membunuh diri selepas Kasyah menikahi Ayu.

Tidak mungkin dia menerima kasyah sebagai menantu setelah dia kematian isteri. Kate tetap berkeras mahukan pertunangan tersebut hinggakan kedua orang tuanya terpaksa menurut. Namun, ayahnya, Sofean, punyai muslihatnya sendiri meskipun dia menyatakan persetujuannya.

Ketika itu, Hisyam, bekas kekasih Kate yang masih menggilainya muncul kembali, mencetuskan kekecohan. Hisyam mengupah sekumpulan lelaki memukul Kasyah hingga patah kaki. Kate naik angin lalu memarahi Hisyam dan mengugut untuk melaporkan kepada polis.

Kasyah bekerja dengan rakan niaga Sofean, setelah berhenti kerja. Kate pula ke Afrika Selatan untuk urusan perniagaan. Ketika inilah Sofean memasang perangkapnya. Zahirah dibayar untuk menggoda Kasyah hinggakan dilihat oleh Firdaus, pengurus tempatnya bekerja.

Sofean dihubungi dan diceritakan segala apa yang berlaku. Sofean menyarankan Kasyah dibuang kerja dengan serta merta. Inilah rancangan terbaik Sofean memerangkap Kasyah. Kate amat terkejut sepulangnya dia dari Afrika Selatan, mendengarkan perkara tersebut.

Kasyah cuba menjelaskan keadaan sebenar namun Kate berkeras untuk memutuskan pertunangan. Kasyah yang tidak bersalah, benar-benar kecewa dan pasrah. Kasyah menyerahkan takdir untuk menjelaskan kebenaran.

Masa berlalu, Athirah pun sudah menjangkau usia 2 tahun. Kasyah masih murung, begitu juga Kate. Kedua mereka terluka hati. Antara mereka masih ada rasa sayang yang menebal. Kate mengambil keputusan mengahwini Hisyam dengan hasrat menyakiti hati Kasyah.

Kate tahu yang Kasyah amat menyintainya dan dalam masa yang sama ingin membalas dendam ke atas Hisyam. Meskipun Kate mengahwini Hisyam, beliau enggan membiarkan tubuhnya disentuh Hisyam.

Mereka tidur berasingan. Kate ingin mendera Hisyam zahir dan batin. Kate tidak akan biarkan suami ‘gay’nya menyentuh tubuhnya. Sementara Kasyah, membesarkan anaknya dengan bantuan abangnya, Iskandar. Beliaulah satu-satunya abang yang dia ada.

Iskandar yang telah bercerai terpaksa kembali semula ke rumah peninggalan keluarga yang diduduki Kasyah. Malangnya, selain bercerai, Iskandar juga tidak punyai pekerjaan tetap. Kasyah berusaha membantu abangnya itu sedaya mungkin, setidak-tidaknya berada disisnya.

Suatu hari, abangnya itu meninggal dunia kerana kemalangan. Anak kesayangannya, Athirah juga turut meninggal dunia tidak lama selepas itu kerana jangkitan kuku dan mulut. Kasyah kini tinggal sendirian, kesepian.

Dia kehilangan segala yang disayanginya. Semua orang telah meninggalkannya. Kate pula nekad untuk meninggalkan Hisyam. Dia ingin bercerai. Inilah sebenarnya yang dimahukan. Dia ingin menyeksa Hisyam. Harapannya semoga Hisyam menderita sampai mati.

Ketika Kate minta Hisyam pergi setelah memfailkan tuntutan cerai, Hisyam merasakan dirinya bagai ditusuk sembilu tajam. Bagaikan terhiris jantungnya. Hisyam sangat kecewa dan serasa ingin membunuh diri. Hidup bagaikan tak bererti lagi baginya.

Sofean terkejut mendengar keputusan Kate. Kate menyatakan kejadian sebenar tentang Hisyam dan sebab-sebab dia mengahwini Hisyam. Kini, barulah dia mengerti bahawa Kate selama ini tak bahagia. Beliau menyalahkan dirinya kerana menjadi punca memisahkan Kate dengan Kasyah.

Sofean benar-benar menyesal. Kasyah perlu dicari dan menyatakan kebenaran. Kate terserempak dengan Zahirah lalu bertanyakan perkara sebenar terjadi antara keduanya. Kate yang mendapat tahu muslihat sebenar, mengadap ayahnya Sofean.

Sofean terpaku, tidak menyangka muslihatnya terbongkar. Masa berlalu, Kasyah masih tetap menyayangi kate. Dia juga mengerti yang mereka berdua hanyalah mangsa keadaan. Suatu pagi, tanpa diduga Kasyah menghubungi Kate semula. Inilah permulaan indah untuk kisah cinta mereka yang tidak akan menemui titik noktahnya.

Jom Layan Offical Triler Filem Nie ...

Jom Layan OST dia yg best ni Sama2 ...

Info Film

Lagenda Budak Setan 2
Syarikat Penerbit :
Bahasa :
Bahasa Melayu
kategori :
Filem Cereka
Genre :
Cinta, Drama
Klasifikasi :
U - Untuk tontonan umum
Tarikh Tayangan :
29 Nov 2012

(Cerita Asal)
(Lakon layar)
Kashah (Pelakon Utama)
Kate (Pelakon Utama)
Ayu (Pelakon Utama)
Lily (Pelakon Utama)
Hisham (Pelakon Pembantu)
Mak Leha (Pelakon Pembantu)
Iskandar (Pelakon Pembantu)
Sofea (Pelakon Pembantu)
Sofean (Pelakon Pembantu)
Zahirah (Pelakon Pembantu)
Athirah (Pelakon Pembantu)
Yvonne (Pelakon Pembantu)
Firdaus (Pelakon Pembantu)
Rafidah (Pelakon Pembantu)

Happy to see P.E.O.P.L.E smile (=^_^=)

Wednesday 21 November 2012

^“WhY Man Love Bitches”^

Seriously tak sabar nak share sebenarnya ni part of what am doing lately untuk “RefresH” otak dan focus serta Pulihkan apa yg tak pulih [ceh..ngada] hahaha ^hey am laughing again^ tapi not because of this book ok.. sebab Allah yang mengizinkan ianya berlaku… 

So ni adalah antara yg membantu dan Sangat bagus untuk semua Kaum HAWA untuk ambil tahu…

Jom Check serba sikit Apa yg boleh dihuraikan dari buku ni kalau rasa PERLU tolong AMBIL, kalau rasa TAK PERLU tolong ABAIKAN and jangan provoke saya ini pandangan masing2 ok…

100 Prinsip Tarikan, dari “WhY Man Love Bitches”  Sedia..? ~anguk kepala~ hehehe JOMMMMM…!!!!!

Salah satu buku terbaik pada pandangan saya dari apa yang saya pernah baca sebelum ini "Why Man Love Bitches" [WHYyyy..?] Oh!!! ^kalau di translate BITCHES maksudnya ialah <BETINA/JALANG>^ Ia merujuk kepada wanita yang suka menganggu hubungan percintaan / perkahwinan orang .Exactly this is the first come across my mind sebelum saya baca, dan saya yakin saya sangat nak tahu KENAPA..? AKAN TETAPI buku ni tak merujuk kepada  itu… 
Ia adalah cerita tentang wanita yang mempunyai nilai yang cukup tinggi  dan rasa hormat terhadap diri mereka sendiri, Dan untuk ANDA tidak jatuh ke dalam perangkap pasangan mereka. 

####So It will definitely helps you realize why all of your RelationSHIPS seem to be RelationSHIT.####

So Saya cuba gambarkan 100 prinsip tarikan dari buku nie
^“WhY Man Love Bitches”^
[prinsip ini juga adalah inspirasa dari pelbagai sudut bacaan dan pandangan orang yang pernah membaca’Credit GOOGLE]
Because this book in English,so kalau di Translate akan lain pula maksudnya..kita sama2 faham lah ye hehehe 
[^mcm la aku faham sgt^ we Try Ok]

SO kita ENJOY..!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Anything a person chases in life runs away.

2. The women who have the men climbing the walls for them aren't always exceptional. Often, they are the ones who don’t appear to care too much.

3. A woman is perceived as offering a mental challenge to the degree that a man doesn't feel he has a 100 percent hold on her.

4. Sometimes a man deliberately won’t call, just to see how you’ll respond.

5. If you start out dependent, it turns him off. But if it is something he can’t have, it 
becomes more of a challenge for him to get it.

6. It is your attitude about yourself that a man will adopt.

7.  Act like a prize and you’ll turn him into a believer.

8. The biggest variable between a bitch and a woman who is too nice is fear. The bitch shows that she’s not afraid to be without him.

9. If the choice is between her dignity and having a relationship, the bitch will prioritize her dignity above all else.

10. When a woman doesn't give in easily and doesn't appear docile or submissive, it becomes more stimulating to obtain her.

11.  Being right on the verge of getting something generates a desire that has to be satisfied.

12. A man knows which woman will give in to last-minute requests.

13. Whether you have terms and conditions indicates whether you have options. Almost immediately, you present yourself as a doormat or a dream girl.

14. If you smother him, he’ll go into defence mode and look for an escape route to protect his freedom.

15. Whenever a woman requires too many things from a man, he’ll resent it. Let him give what he wants to give freely; then observe who he is.

16. A bitch gives a man plenty of space so he doesn't fear being trapped in a cage. Then..he sets out to trap her in his.

17. If you tell him you are not interested in jumping into a relationship with both feet, he will set out to try to change your mind.

18. Always give the appearance that he has plenty of space. It gets him to drop his guard.

19. More than anything else, he watches to see if you’ll be too emotionally dependent on him.

20. He must feel that you choose to be with him, not that you need to be with him. Only then will he perceive you as an equal partner.

21. If a man has to wait before he sleeps with a woman, he’ll not only perceive her as more beautiful, he’ll also take him time to appreciate who she is.

22. Sex and the “spark” are not one and the same.

23. Before sex, a man isn't thinking clearly and a woman is thinking clearly. After sex, it reverses. The man is thinking clearly and the woman isn't.

24. Every man wants to have sex first; whether he wants a girlfriend is something he thinks about later. By not giving him what he wants up front, you become his girlfriend without him realizing it.

25. A man intuitively senses whether sexuality comes from a place of security or from a place of neediness. He knows when a woman is having sex to appease him.

26. Bad habits are easier to form than good ones, because good habits require conscious effort. Waiting encourages this effort.

27. If you pull the sexual plug at the last minute, he’ll label you a tease.

28. If he makes you feel insecure, let your insecurity be your guide.

29. A quality guy fantasizes about a woman who genuinely loves sex.

30. Any time a woman competes with another woman, she demeans herself.

31. When there is that undeniable “spark,” there is only one key to the lock.

32. Let him think he’s in control. He’ll automatically start doing things you want done because he’ll always want to look like “a king” in your eyes.

33. When you cater to his ego in a soft way, he doesn't try to get power in an aggressive way.

34. When you appear softer and more feminine, you appeal to his instinct to protect. When you appear more aggressive, you appeal to his instinct to compete.

35. He’ll let a woman who becomes his doormat pay for dinner on the first couple of dates, but he wouldn't think of it with his dream girl.

36. The token power position is for public display, but the true power position is for private viewing only. And this is the only one that matters.

37. If you give him a feeling of power, he’ll want to protect you and he’ll want to give you the world.

38. When a woman acts as though she’s capable of everything, she gets stuck doing everything.

39. Men don’t respond to words. They respond to no contact.

40. Talking about the “relationship” too much takes away the element of the “unknown” and thus the mystery.

41. Men respect women who communicate in a succinct way, because it’s the language men use to talk to one another.

42. When you are always HAPPY; And he is always free to GO; he feels LUCKY.

43. If you allow your rhythm to be interrupted, you’ll create a void. Then, to replace what you give up, you’ll start to expect and need more from your partner.

44. Most women are starving to receive something from a man that they need to give to themselves.

45. A woman looks more secure in a man’s eyes when he can’t pull her away from her life, because she is content with her life.

46. The second a woman works overtime to make herself fit his criteria, she has lowered the standard of that relationship.

47. You jump through hoops any time you repeatedly make it very obvious you’re giving your “all.”

48. You have to keep from being sucked down into quicksand. Unless you maintain control over yourself, the relationship is doomed.

49. Jumping through hoops often has a negative outcome: He sees it as an opportunity to have his cake and eat it, too. But when you stay just outside his reach, he’ll stay on his best behaviour.

50. The nice girl gives away too much of herself when pleasing him regularly becomes more important than pleasing herself.

51. The relationship may not be right for you if you find yourself jumping through hoops. When something is right, it will feel easier and much more effortless.

52. When you nag, he tunes you out. But when you speak with your actions, he pays attention.

53. When a man takes a woman for granted, he still looks for reassurance that she is still “right there.”

54. When the routine becomes predictable, he’s more likely to give you the same type of love he had for his mother–and the odds that he will take you for granted increase.

55. Negative attention is still attention. It lets a man know that he has you–right where he wants you.

56. When you treat him casually as though he’s a friend, he’ll come your way. Because he wants things to be romantic, but he also wants to be the pursuer.

57. A little distance combined with the appearance of self-control makes him nervous that he may be losing you.

58. A man takes a woman for granted when he’s interested, but will no longer go out of his way.

59. When you nag, you become the problem, and he deals with it by tuning you out. But when you don’t nag, he deals with the problem.

60. If you take his chores away from him and praise someone else for doing it, he’ll want his chores back.

61. When you nag, he sees weakness.

62. He perceives an emotional woman as more of a pushover.

63. In the same way that familiarity breeds contempt, a slightly aloof demeanour can often renew his respect.

64. He’ll forget what he has in you, unless you remind him.

65. Many women talk a lot out of nervousness–which is something that men will often perceive as insecurity.

66. Talking about feelings to a man will feel like work. When he’s with a woman, he wants it to feel like fun.

67. Forcing him to talk about feelings all the time will not only make you seem needy, it will eventually make him lose respect. And when he loses respect, he’ll pay even less attention to your feelings.

68. In the beginning, the only thing you need to pay attention to is whether he keeps coming around, because he’ll only be able to suspend or hide his emotions for so long.

69. Men treat women the way they treat other men. They “play it cool: because they don’t want to appear weak or desperate.

70. The element of surprise both inside and outside of the bedroom is important to men, and it adds to the excitement.

71. Don’t always do the same thing over and over in the bedroom. Vary it so that it doesn't become a predictable routine.

72. Most men tend to disrespect a woman who appears to be too malleable.

73. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself or speak your mind. It will not only earn his respect, in some cases it will even turn him on.

74. Men often automatically assume that a bitchier woman will be more assertive in bed, and that a nice girl will be more timid.

75. When a man falls in love, suddenly he’ll go out of his way and think nothing of it. He’ll do things for this woman he wouldn't have done for anyone else.

76. He’ll never respect you as being able to hold your own unless you can stand on your own too feet financially.

77. You have to show that you won’t accept mistreatment. Then you will keep his respect.

78. Your pink slip is maintained when you can stand on your own–with him or without him. He should never feel that you are completely as his mercy.

79. When a man views a woman as a “little girl” or a sister he has to take care of, the passion diminishes. He doesn't want to make love to his sister.

80. The ability to choose how you want to live, and the ability to choose how you want to be treated are the two things that give you more power than any material object ever will.

81. In a relationship of any kind, if one person feels the other person isn't bringing anything to the table, he or she will begin to disrespect that person.

82. Financial neediness is no different than emotional neediness; in both instances, he can still get the feeling that he has a 100 percent hold on you.

83. Regardless of how pretty a woman is, looks alone will not sustain his respect. Appearance may pull him in, but it is your independence that will keep him turned on.

84. When a man is very consumed with not being taken advantage of, this is a sign that he’s “on the take.”

85. People will show you they have self-respect simply by virtue of the fact that they want to carry their own weight.

86. The more independent you are of him, the more interested he will be.

87. If you make it too obvious that you’re excited to get something, some people will be tempted to dangle a carrot in front of your face.

88. When you alter the routine, your not being there is what will make him come around. Men don’t respond to words. What they respond to is no contact.

89. Don’t give a reward for bad behaviour.

90. He simply won’t respect a woman who automatically goes into overdrive to please him.

91. If he doesn't give you a time, you don’t have a date.

92. Often the best way to adjust or fix the problem is by not letting him know it’s being fixed. When you alter your availability or change a predictable routine, it will mentally pull him back in.

93. Once you start laughing, you start healing.

94. You can get away with saying much more with humour than you can with a straight face.

95. A man feels he’s won, or conquered a woman, when she eats out of the palm of his hand. At which point, he begins to get bored.

96. The tension that arises with a slightly bitchy woman gives a subtle feeling of danger to a man. He feels slightly unsure because she is never in the palm of his hand.

97. A “yes” woman who gives too much sends the impression that she believes in the man more than she believes in herself. Men view this as weakness not kindness.

98. Be an independent thinker at all times, and ignore anyone who attempts to define you in a limiting way.

99. Truly powerful people don’t explain why they want respect. They simply don’t engage someone who doesn't give it to them.

100. The most attractive quality of all is dignity.

SO HOW….???? Comment nanti ok…

p/s: Buku ni ada sambungan dia
^“WhY Man MARRY Bitches”^
Dalam process membaca so nanti dah habis I will share

Happy to see P.E.O.P.L.E smile (=^_^=)